
"The Dog walker"

Drawing of a dog

If you don't have sufficient time to walk your dog you're in the right place in order for your pet to enjoy the good moments of play, exercise and walking.


Dogs have been domesticated by us, "The human being". We've "invented" the races based on cross breeding and our convenience. These wonderful animals that give everything to us, still have these "wild" instincts inside them, some more some less. By nature they need to go out, get good exercise, play, run, socialize with other dogs, and this is our responsibility as "owners/partners" because that's what we are.


All this requiers a great deal of our time... and it's true that as a matter of fact we do not allow or simply cannot dedicate sufficant time to share with our dogs.

Therefor I propose this option to ensure that your "Partner" has his daily exercise and play.


Don't hesitate to contact me for any further information, I will be happy to answer any questions!

